Wishing everyone the best of luck for a very Happy Friday the 13th.
Rachael 馃檪
* image courtesy of Precision Astrology
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路 Posted by Rachael Goldsworthy
路 Posted by Rachael Goldsworthy
What a special day for all the VERY special Mums in the world that are so amazing and inspiring. I trust you have a wonderful Sunday and are treated like Royalty by all who love you so dearly.
A special shout out to my Mum who is holidaying with Dad on the other side of the world today…I love you more than words can say and always appreciate everything you have done and continue to do for myself and the family…come home soon, we all miss you!
All the best to everyone’s Mum for a Very Happy Mother’s Day.
Rachael 馃檪
路 Posted by Rachael Goldsworthy
We are so proud to announce that Skillset has awarded Katherine Adlington the Trainee of the Year Award 2014.聽 WOW!!! 馃檪 馃檪 馃檪
Such an achievement and so well deserved.聽 Katherine often says “it is (real estate) never something I would have seen myself doing, however I am loving it.”
This is demonstrated in her application to her vocation as she is way ahead of scheduled course curriculum and will have completed her course within a quarter of the time that is set out as a guideline for trainees.聽 This indicates to me her level of dedication, commitment and passion she has for the role she is now flourishing.
At Rachael Goldsworthy Realty we LOVE having Katherine as part of the team, she is so ENTHUSIASTIC, SMART, WITTY and great to be around.聽 Setting the benchmark for all new agents.
Well done Katherine.
Rachael and the team at RGR
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路 Posted by Rachael Goldsworthy
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them”.
“These very famous words are just a part of a poem by Laurence Binyon 1869-1943 that he called The Fallen. It was first published in the Times newspaper on 21 September 1914. As this was very early in the war, it was written as a reaction to the high casualty rates of the British Expeditionary Force at Mons and Le Cateau, but the four famous lines have now taken an existence of their own that apply to all war casualties.”
Lest we forget.
#AnzacDay #twitter #LaurenceBinyon #TheFallen #HowardAnderson
路 Posted by Rachael Goldsworthy
Wishing everyone all the very best for a very safe and Happy Easter. Whilst the office will be closed until 22nd April, we will be taking calls and making appointments throughout this period.
Thinking of inviting some friends over for Easter, why not greet them at the front door with a homemade Easter Wreath?
You really like your friends and wanted to spend some time in the garden to make something homegrown for them.
You really, really like your friends and not only want to invite them over to your place, set the table in theme, you would like to cook a meal for them, how about this table setting as an idea?
Whatever you may find yourself doing this Easter, have a fabulous long weekend and I trust the Easter Bunny is good to you.
Rachael 馃檪
路 Posted by Rachael Goldsworthy
With new legislation most people would now be aware that everyone owning a swimming pool or spa needs to register these with their Local Council.
“From the 29 April 2013, all property owners of residential, multi occupancy and tourist and visitor accommodation, on which a swimming pool is located, are required to register their swimming pool on a new online, statewide register. Failure to do so may attract a fine of $220.
The Swimming Pool Register is designed to be a record of pools at an address, whether compliant with the relevant Standard, or not. The Register is not intended to operate as a compliance management system.”
Since that date we have received further correspondence from NSW Government advising there has been an extension on the due date as follows:-
“If you are thinking of selling or leasing your property, an additional twelve months has been provided before you need to have a pool compliance certificate before you can sell or lease your property.
From 29 April 2015, all properties with a backyard swimming pool or spa that are sold or leased will need to have a valid swimming pool compliance certificate. This additional twelve months provides property owners with more time to ensure that their swimming pool is compliant before their property is sold or leased.”
REINSW is urging members to encourage their vendors and landlords to apply for pool certificates where required, as concerns have been raised that there are not enough qualified insporters to meet the expected demand. See full article- REINSW
Swimming Pool Certificates – Rachael Goldsworthy 080414
For further information you can go to www.swimmingpoolregister.nsw.gov.au
If I can be of any further assistance with any real estate questions you may have please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rachael 馃檪
source: Swimming Pool Register Guide – NSW Government/NSW Swimming Pool Register
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