Property represents a very secure, long-term form of wealth creation. A well managed investment can offer many advantages, including income and capital growth.
Many investors may also be able to use their investment to reduce tax payable on their assessable income. Property is also a good option as part of an investment portfolio, particularly with people who do not need immediate access to their money and wish to protect themselves against inflation over the long term.
It is important, however, to be aware of the responsibilities of managing your property investment and assuring proper care and responsibility. As considerable money is at stake, you need to take the time to get good advice before you act – and remember, consideration of any investment presents wide and varied alternatives and there are always plenty of experts ready to pass on their opinion. It is wise, therefore, to always seek appropriate advice from a qualified financial advisor, accountant and real estate agent.
Friday the 13th has been known to be unlucky for some however not for those landlordsΒ who take out landlord insurance. For less than one week rent you would be able to insure your home against the worst case scenario.
Stevie Wonder says “you believe in things that you don’t understand and you suffer”… Take Stevie’s advice, if you don’t understand, seek advice from those professionals in the know and ensure you have good luck by choice.
Click the link below to see what Stevie says…
<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Rachael π