We would be very grateful if you could spend a few moments to provide your opinion as to the current market and your experience with Rachael Goldsworthy Realty. There are a total of 20 questions which should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
As a thank you, you will go into the draw to win a dinner for two who was won by Robyn & Peter from Blacktown last year, and receive a copy of my exclusive Market Report that are only provided to those who participate in this survey. Additionally all people who complete survey will be sent a Gloria Jeans voucher to enjoy a coffee on me.
The purpose of this survey is to obtain some feedback in relation to the Real Estate Market and our Service Levels to ensure we are always improving our processes for our clients. This in turn will enable us to further fine tune our service and support to our clientβs exact expectations and needs. By completing this form you give permission to Rachael Goldsworthy Realty to reprint the results in Rachaelβs Report, a copy of which I will receive (please be assured your names and personal details will be kept confidential).
Thank you very much for your time and co-operation and we are committed to improving our service levels for you.