Well people, time again to be on alert as the water levels rise.ย Rain is predicted however all I see from my office window, which is right on the river, is blue sky and sunshine.ย
Over the last week we have been experiencing afternoon storms so we may see the water levels rise even further.
Take care on your travels.
Rachael ๐
Ferry & Road Closure Update:
Cattai Ridge Road at Cattai Creek, Cattai Road, Hidden Valley Bridgeย and Wiseman’s Ferry Road are currently closed.
Sackville Ferry is currently closed.
Yarramundi Bridge is currently closed. North Richmond and Windsor Bridges are both currently open, but are on “flood watch” and could be closed at any time this morning.
Rain has eased in the Warragamba Dam catchment since 6:00pm last night. Spill from the dam peaked this morning around 5am.
Minor flooding will extend downstream of the dam today to Penrith, North Richmond and Windsor.
Penrith – peak around 4.6 metres in the next hour or so with minor flooding.
North Richmond – peak near 8.0 metres around 2pm today with minor flooding. Could be shut sooner because of debris flowing down the river.
Windsor – peak near 6.2 metres around 5pm today with minor flooding.
Minor flooding continues at Menangle Bridge (Nepean River) following Thursday night’s peak of 6.8 metres.
Please take care when travelling.
For life threatening emergencies, call 000 immediately.
For emergency assistance call the SES on 132 500.
FloodSafe advice is available at
www.ses.nsw.gov.au Rural Animal & Livestock Assistance call 1800 814 647 Road information, Contact your Local Council or the RTA 132 701 For the latest weather forecast see www.bom.gov.au/nsw/forecasts/ River levels are update more frequently on www.bom.gov.au/nsw/flood You can find more information on the River condition from the Bureau of Meteorology website at www.bom.gov.au Road information, Contact your Local Council or the RTA 132 701 OR you can also visit livetraffic.com.au Rural Animal & Livestock Assistance call 1800 814 647 You can find more information on the River condition from the Bureau of Meteorology website at www.bom.gov.au You can also tune into Hawkesbury Radio 89.9FMfor regular updates on current weather, traffic and flooding conditions